Candy Appletini On The Rocks Mineral Kit



  • Field proven mineral site recipe by Salt River Outfitters
  • 1 or 2 Jugs of Candy Appletini Infused with Candy Apple Flavoring
  • 10 or 25 lbs of On The Rocks Mineral blend 
  • Made in the USA

Buck Bourbon Candy AppleTini On The Rocks Mineral Site Kit is everything you need to cook up mineral sites on your back 40 or your 100 acre deer lease. Candy Appletini Liquid Mineral is a liquid blend of minerals that deer crave and On The Rocks is the ultimate blend of granular minerals deer need in the spring and summer months. These two minerals coupled together in the perfect recipe create the best ingredients for a mineral sight anywhere in North America. Select the amount of mineral sites you need to establish. Feed Buck Bourbon responsibly.

Deer Mineral Site Recipe


On The Rocks Mineral 5 lbs
Candy AppleTini Liquid Mineral


Step 1: Clear the ground of debris until you have bare soil. ( We recommend selecting a place close to a water source. Ponds, streams and creeks are the best.)

Step 2: Open a bag of On The Rocks mineral blend. Try and open the bag as close to the top as possible. 

Step 3: Pour half of the On The Rocks bag onto the ground where you want to establish a mineral site and set the remainder of the bag aside. 

Step 4: Open your Candy AppleTini liquid mineral and pour about a Quarter of the Jug out on the top of the On The Rocks mineral thats on the ground. 

Step 5: Take the left over On the Rocks bag and pour the Candy AppleTini liquid mineral into the bag until the liquid is up to the Buck Bourbon drink in the logo.

Step 6: Depending on how you like your Appletini drink, either shake or stir the mineral mixture in the bag for a few seconds and pour on top of the started site. Repeat the process at any additional mineral sites. Thats how you make a Candy AppleTini on The Rocks. The best blended mineral a deer can get.

Candy Appletini Liquid Mineral

The Candy Appletini Story

Options are important, and as hunters time is limited. Here at Buck Bourbon we know that all hunters have different needs, different availability of time and live in different terrains. We want an answer for everyone! That’s why we developed a liquid mineral. Candy Appletini was designed to give a hunter another option to use our products in a different way. It’s no secret that liquid soaks into the soil faster so our liquid mineral is perfect for establishing a mineral site as fast as possible. Pour Candy Appletini on the ground, Pour it over a Mineral Block, Mix it On The Rocks, on a stump, it doesn’t matter anywhere in the country you can use Candy Appletini to establish your mineral site.

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